Ariera is a fictional universe taking place on an earth-like planet consisting of 7 "districts" with their own cultures and climates. Ariera is inspired by the early 20th century with soft magic and European influence.

The buttons lead to the most important lore of the world in a brief overview.
- People features artwork of notable characters (drawn by @imiogri)
- Location summarizes the districts and some larger cities
- Groups describes the lore behind historically influential factions
- Timeline outlines important world events
- Relations features a family tree of the notable characters seen in "characters"
- Lore lists various lore features of the world such as holidays and traditions
- Ariera is 27,562,500km2.
- The government is an authoritarian monarchy.
- The average citizen of Ariera is called an Arieran.

© imiogri & majini 2023

— ERA 1 —
The Great War
Aloysius wins = creates Aurea / Ariera
Aloysius can’t control the world on his own
Cinistera created — Halcyon
Aloysius sends his first son to colonize Cinistera, home of witches
Halcyon sympathizes with the natives and joins them
Halcyon tries to form an army against Aloysius
Cinistera's Destruction
Cinistera's conversion to "Paradise"
The natives have to leave
The Witch Hunt
Aloysius is not very friendly toward the Cinisteran refugees
Yaga and Nova become enemies — Splits into respective ideologies
Age of Renewal
Aloysius reforms Ariera, learning from his mistakes
Carefully raises children destined to rule
Nelumbria created
🦕 Master Jem
Aloysius ties his new child directly to their well*
Nelumbria splits
Maybe connecting a newborn to their well* was a bad idea
*a very mysterious "well" hidden deep underground that supposedly gives the royals their power

— ERA 2 —
≈ 500y
Moora created
⛰️Lady Kassava
Nova Senkas spread
Begins quiet warfare against Aloysius' society
Establishes the main base at the Moora-Cinstera border
Yajkans spread
Become mostly nomadic
Yaga settles in the capital under a secret identity
Refines natural magic = destroys forests

— ERA 3 —
≈ 200y
Comosa created
🐏 Lord Dioneus + 🐑 Lady Diona
Industrial Revolution
Comosa invents biogas for tractors
Cars become a thing
Birth of Carnelian Company, etc.
The industrial golden age begins

— ERA 4 —
≈ 100y
Navorio created
🦗Lord Megalara
Megalara's well breaks
This is so sad

— ERA 5 —
≈ ?y
Merlurra created
🦈Lord Eolo
Mydas born
Lord Xiphias has a child
YEAR # : Eolo disappears
Summons a tsunami in Ormiso

— ERA 6 —
Xiphias the new leader of Merlurra
🐬Lord Xiphias
(+ 🐋Audroya)
Xiphias loses Mydas
Mydas dies in a shipwreck
Ties between Merlurra and Nelumbria weaken
YEAR 6-30
Current year :)

🎭 Global Customs🔔 The Chime
“The Chime” is a daily tradition of taking a break to drink tea. The name comes from the sound from the bells that are rung each midday from large spires erected in every city. Once the chime is called everyone is expected to leave their workplaces to take a break. This tradition mostly only applies to the middle and high-class. The working class continue their work as they’re the ones who need to serve the much-needed tea. Farmers and other residents outside cities who wouldn’t hear the chime also do not follow this tradition (not like they have the time or resources to do so either).
🌺 The Camellia
The camellia (Camellia japonica) is the flower that represents King Aloysius and the Kingdom of Ariera. The flower is highly protected due to its symbolism. Great Camellia bushes line the streets of most major cities, and it’s illegal to touch or harm the bush in any way besides gathering its leaves for tea once they fall off the bush. The only
time a regular citizen is allowed to touch a Camellia flower is during major graduation ceremonies (such as at the Knight Academy) or if it’s selected for weddings.
🥀 Caravan to "Paradise"
Once a long and prosperous few centuries is spent in Ariera, it is time to say goodbye. Without the usual means of biological aging or death, a worthy citizen is assigned to a caravan to "Paradise". Paradise is located in the far northeast at the most northern point Moora, Comosa and Cinistera meet. Here families gather to say goodbye to their elders as they are welcomed to a new, heightened state of being. It is said that all roads lead to paradise.
🕰️ Year & Season
The Arieran "year" consists of 5 seasons. Each season starts after the announcement of spring ("Morrow").
This means keeping dates is quite unpredictable and relaxed. Each year count is reset after each era.
An era is defined as the crowning of a new royal. Ariera is currently in Era 6 (see Timeline).

Year start
(Mar-Jun) Morrow
(Jun-Sep) Summer
(Sep-Oct) Dimmet
(Oct-Jan) The Darkness
(Jan-Mar) The Wait
Year end

🎄 Holidays & Traditions🌗 Yester’s Eve
Global: The Wait
It’s the eve to be sad and keep praying winters and The Darkness is over soon. The holiday entails gathering around a big fire and when it finishes burning everyone gets a big slap of coal dust on the left-hand side of their face.
🌺 Aloysius day / Camellia day
Global: Morrow
The new years celebration. The camellias bloom the most beautiful and a time to appreciate the king’s greatness. It is also the only time to interact with the camellia bushes, though only their stems. People tie wishes in camellia bushes, the notes are in the shapes of petals. Gifts are also exchanged.
🍌 The Fruit Festival
Global: Summer
Celebrates the first of the summer's fruit harvest. Where there are ports they celebrate the Nelumbric ship's arrival.
💗 Love Day
Global: Dimmet
A day to celebrate love when the days grow colder. Families get together to appreciate each other, and lovers get time for themselves. This holiday is very focused on conception, meaning children are to be born in Summer.

🎁 Birthdays
Birthday traditions aren’t the regular yearly get-togethers we’re used to. Due to their immortality, celebrating every year simply isn’t sustainable for Arierans. Instead, they celebrate quadrennially where they both commemorate staying long-lived and confirming their citizenship by updating their ID.

The process in which this is done has a more physical symbolic meaning. When an Arieran is born they are given a pendant that has room for engravings. The shape and look of the pendant depend on a person’s own tastes or the district they belong to. This pendant is then attached to a ring (like a keyring). For each 4 year that passes, you have your birthday party and inscribe a section of the pendant.

A newborn is assigned a pendant to be inscribed 5 times during the course of 20 years. Once they complete their first pendant they are declared legally adult. After this point, they are assigned a pendant that holds 10 inscriptions that last 40 years. Each inscription is worth celebrating, but the real big parties start when a pendant is fully completed and being awarded another pendant. Due to this process, the older you get the more respectable you become, being able to flaunt your immortality with your many tinkling pendants.
💐 Weddings
An Arieran wedding is largely based around flowers. All couples to be married select the flower which best represents them, but sometimes it’s also selected as a surprise. The proposal involves gifting the other party the seed of the selected flower, and the purchase of a specially designed flower pot.
The ceremony is meant to be surrounded by the selected flower, adorning invitations and venue, with all visitors also given one to wear. This can become very costly depending on the chosen flower and the season, the camellia is the fanciest and most expensive. Some flowers are selected solely for being easy to care for, but some choose very difficult flowers for the sake of bragging.

The couple is wedded by sticking the proposal seed in the special pot and being watered while still holding their hands in the soil. Due to this, a figure of speech for getting married is “getting your hands dirtied”.

After the wedding, it is expected for the newlyweds to tend the flower together. Getting it to bloom and keeping it alive for some time is a symbol of luck and successful marriage. The flower dying before blooming is regarded as bad luck, but it is common enough to not be seen as a big deal.
Local Wedding Traditions🌴 Merlurra
Merlurra has a few unique wedding traditions that connect them to the ocean. First, an engaged couple is expected to be sent out for a lone boat ride in order to

🍖 Cuisine
King Aloysius values high-quality food above much else and has created a well-established culinary culture. One of the most valuable products for an Ariera inhabitant is sugar. Different from what we're used to, the people of Ariera have a big preference for food with high sugar content, and products such as fruit, honey, and sugar are common ingredients in every meal of the day. For underclass citizens, the option is honey and fruits. Bees are highly valued.
🌺 Aueran cuisine
A busy districts of large cities, processed food is a necessary component of Aurea. A lot of citizens being in a rush, a developing fast-food culture has flourished. Fresh fruit has become a bit of a luxury item.
🌊 Nelumbric cuisine
Nelumbria's closeness to the wilderness shapes its style of cooking and presentation. The cuisine features a variety of small dishes with seafood and fruit coupled with fresh herbs and complex spicy sauces. Dishes are most often presented in weaved baskets, or for convenience on a large palm leaf, keeping cleanup to a minimum. Dinners are a very social activity in Nelumbria, where families may gather around the same palm leaf buffet.
🍬 Moorea cuisine
Mooreans love their sweets.
🌾 Comosan cuisine
Comosa is the world's largest producer of staple foods such as grain, tubers, and culinary vegetables. Most of their produce exit the district in processed fashions such as canned, fermented, or frozen. This leaves the freshest produce to be eaten by the locals, providing them with much variety.
🦂 Navori cuisine
Sandwich. Navorio equally relies on fishing like Merlurra does, but they love to squish their catch into bread.
🌴 Merlurran cuisine
With closeness to the ocean, fresh fish and seafood are a Merlurran staple food. They also love balls.

🌸 Camellia Court
In short, the authoritarian governing power of Ariera, lead by his majesty King Aloysius for the last millennium.

The Camellia Court which oversees all other courts is located in Solaris, Aurea. This court rules with several representatives from each district, making up the Camellia Council, the main governing body of the world.
In every district, the governing party is the Royal Council, a group consisting of carefully selected members that represent King Aloysius' will. This council, together with the district's royal constitutes their court. Together, the Royal Court handles the district's jurisdiction, handling e.g. requests from citizens, controlling actions by the army, as well as upholding trade routes for the economy. It is possible for the council to operate separately from a Lord or Lady's will, the priority being to enforce the global rules and regulations set by the King. However, a royal's concerns are the utmost priority.
The currency of Ariera is called money which is exchanged for goods and services. It comes in the shape of metal coins, banknotes, and cheques. A common payment method for the lower classes is trading (animals and foodstuffs)
Camellia Court has a strict system in place to keep track of its citizens for both safekeeping and defeating crime. This is done by distributing identity cards to all citizens they are required to carry at all times. The card contains information such as the citizen’s residency, occupation, and distinguishable features. In order to assure proper information on these cards, citizens are required to update them every 4 years together with getting their birthday inscription. With this system in place, the government has a tight grip on its residents and their activities, a missing ID being a severe crime.

🌸 The 6 Courts of Areira and their leader (Listed oldest to youngest)
🌺 Camellia Court — King Aloysius
🌊 Nelumbria Court — Master Jem
🍬 Court Moora — Lady Kassava (& Husband Murray)
🌾 Comosa Court — Lord Dioneus & Lady Diona
🦂 Court Navorio — Lord Megalara
🌴 Merlurra Court — Lord Xiphias (Former: Lord Eolo)

👑 Royal Camellia Household
Comprises Aloysius’ 6 reigning children and their spouses. Only reunite a few times a year
The King
His Majesty King Aloysius is the self-proclaimed king of Ariera. He is well over a thousand years old and nobody from the point of his crowning still lives to tell the true tale of his rise to power. Theories span from him being born from a Camellia flower, that he was brought down from the sky, or that he simply gave birth to the entire universe including himself.
🌺 The Camellia
The Camellia (Camellia japonica) is the flower that represents King Aloysius and the Kingdom of Ariera. Great Camellia bushes line the streets of most major cities, and it’s illegal to touch or harm the bush in any way besides gathering its leaves for tea once they fall off the bush. Are said to have bloomed on the battlefields after Aloysius’ victory after The Great War. (See more in Lore)

⚔️ The Royal Guard
Aloysius Royal Guard exists to serve and protect the king, acting as our time’s police.
It is a very prestigious profession, as it generates both a lot of money and fame.

The royal guard does different jobs depending on their rank, Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Rose Gold. This rank is displayed by the badge they wear on their uniforms. They raise or lower in rank depending on success or failures, which creates a very competitive environment around them.
🏅 Ranking System🏆Rose Gold The highest rank which often switches due to competition.🥇Gold A high-tier rank that borders on rose gold.🥈Silver The middle-tier rank that’s good enough.🥉Bronze Bronze is handed to all basic guards.Besides the ranking, there are three different kinds of tiers; general, knight, and guard.General
The greatest tier of the Royal Guard. They get the command over 4-6 knights or magicians they select themselves they are expected to train and protect during missions. There can only be 33 generals at one time, and they constantly battle for the best rank. Less skilled generals might find themselves killing off too many knights or fail missions, which will lower his and his squad’s ranking.
The average tier and whose values based on the rank they earn for working well with their general. More skilled knights (that are not guards) are assigned to "squads" of 4-6 knights or magicians and 1 general. Knights are expected to follow their general’s command until death.
Guards are the lowest tier of the Royal Guard. They’re leftovers from not getting picked by any generals and cannot rise in rank above bronze. Their work includes guarding facilities, patrolling, and escorts.
🎓 The Knight Academy
In order to become an elite knight, entering the knight academy at a young age is necessary. Entering the knight academy takes both money and skill. A poorer performance results in the graduation to a simple guard.
🧙🏼 Royal Magician's Academy
An alternative to knighthood is to become a Royal Magician, a defensive profession. While a less dangerous and violent job, the requirements to become a magician is extremely strict, with only very specific spells being allowed to be trained. As a result, all other types of witchcraft outside of being a Royal Magician are completely outlawed.
Knight Lives
An elite knight’s life unfolds in the Knight Dormitory, a residence where they spend most of their free time. It is located in the capital of Aurea, Solaris, fairly close to Aloysius Palace.

Inside the building, knights can find bulletin boards, the team rankings, and find their next job at the mission department. Each team of knights lives in a separate dorm room, which provides them with a common living room, a kitchen, and two bedrooms. Generals don’t share living space with their teams and get to choose where to live in the capital.

Every now and then, a chairman calls a meeting to discuss with the general’s possible issues within the community and solve them. Generals might also make suggestions to improve their comfort or others. There are other buildings attached to the main dormitory block, such as the baths or the training grounds.

"Witches" is an Arieran term for a type of outlaws of society. So-called "witches" do in reality constitute several types of peoples, with their own micro societies and separate cultures. The inaccurate term comes from their frivolous use of different types of illegal magic. Most "Witches" originate from the native peoples of Ariera that existed long before Aloysius' reign. A long history of conflict has resulted in the bigotry toward these groups, see Timeline.
🦋 The Yajkans / Yajkan
An ancient group of magicians who lost their native lands during the Age of Renewal. Lead to safety by Yaga and Majka, the group dedicating their names after them. Unlike Novas, Yajkans are faithful to the traditional beliefs from ancient times. They are primarily a nomadic group of people, known to leave dead forests in their path.
🌠The Novas / Nova Senka / Nova
A subset of Yajkans split apart during the Age of Renewal, the Nova Senka are settlers with their own society hidden away at unknown locations. For those who know them, Novas are devoted to their community, providing equal safety and shelter to all. This has made them very successful in recruiting new members and spreading across the world with great success. Unlike Yajkans, Novas are not very traditional, happily adopting technological innovations.

Novas can be seen infiltrating many corners of King Aloysius’ society. Their hidden agenda takes on many forms, some quietly stalking in the night, others seamlessly blending in with the aristocracy.
🦋 Yajkan vs. 🌠 Nova
Split in ancient times, these two groups remain in somewhat nonviolent conflict. Hundreds of years of progress later, it is hard to believe they were once the same. There are cases where Yajkans become Novas and vice versa. Either abandoning the rigid rules of the Novas or being tempted by how much more they have to offer compared to the archaic Yajkan ethics.

Aurea 🌺 Aurean
Aurea is the largest, main district and midpoint of Ariera (the world). Spans from west to east. The temperature is pleasant and temperate, yet winters get quite cold. Aurea offers plenty of farms and orchards but primarily houses industrial cities with advanced infrastructure.
Solaris 🌸 Solarian
Located in southwest Aurea, Solaris is the main capital of Ariera. Home to King Aloysius' palace and the Camellia Court. Solaris resides handsomely in the bay of Sea Eillia, opening up a very promising oceanic trade route for all districts.
Aloysius being very keen on keeping his capital the center of the world, Solaris has a very fine and modern infrastructure. Buildings and roads are always well-kept, and The Royal Guard is very active in the city. This makes Solarians a very safe people, and serious incidents are few and far between.

Cinistera 🥀 Cinisteran
Cinistera is the mysterious final destination for a life well lived. Think of it as the world's biggest graveyard that wildlife is allowed to overtake. Located in a small corner of the northeast. Cinistera was in ancient times ruled by Lord Halcyon before the tragedy leading up to the Age of Renewal.

Nelumbria 🌊 Nelumbric
Nelumbria is the southernmost district, comprising its own continent. It is very wet and warm, with frequent storms and floods. Ruled by the blind Master Jem in the capital Rosur. Leads the way in tropical goods, fruit, and traditional medicines. Famous for its bananas and the production of the very necessary sugarcanes.

Moora 🍬Moorean
Moora is the northernmost district, stretching far into the uninhabited Arctic. The inhabited south has pleasant summers and raw, long winters. Ruled by Lady Kassava and her husband Murray in the capital Somnos. Produces tasty confectionery and medicinal drugs to keep the populace happy during the long, dark winters.

Comosa 🌾 Comosan
Comosa is the eastern district and second largest land mass. It has the same pleasant temperate climate as Aurea. Ruled by Lady Diona and Lord Dioneus in the capital Carica. The main source of agricultural goods, livestock, and the birthplace of most modern technology.

Navorio 🦂 Navori
Navorio is the smallest district, comprising several islands and mainland peninsulas in the south. Ruled by the mute Lord Megalara in the capital Pendra.Mainland Navorio is very rocky and dry, making the terrain difficult to navigate. Its islands are warm and rich, popular for tourists and pirates alike. Navorio is known for quirky fashion, modern art, and big sandwiches.

Merlurra 🌴 Merlurran
Merlurra is a warm, southwestern district with mild winters and dry summers. Ruled by Lord Xiphias in the capital Buztin. Previously ruled by his twin brother Lord Eolo before his mysterious disappearance. The soils of southern Merlurra are hard and dry, making them unsuitable for sensitive summer crops. Merlurra instead thrives on this clay-based soil, using it for items and housing. Famous for excellent fresh seafood.

Merlurra is one of the newer districts of Ariera, gifted to the twin sons Xiphias and Eolo, born from the king's favorite wife Audroya. The hopeless romantic he is, the romance with Audroya was soon over, but his lover remained faithful to his cause and helped to rule Merlurra as their sons came of age.